Bridging Vehicles and Infrastructure with Car2X-Communication at ATTC Information Event

At April, 24th an exclusive information event of the ATTC (Austrian Traffic Telematics Cluster) about the introduction of Car2X-communication technologies in 2019 took place at the ÖAMTC center for driving techniques. The event was organized by ANDATA in close cooperation with Volkswagen, ASFINAG, Swarco Futurit, Automotive Safety Technologies, ÖAMTC and the project Connecting Austria.
It had been shown how the series solution for the upcoming product launches of Car2X-communication in 2019 will look like. The functions had been demonstrated live upon the examples of warnings for construction site trailers, breakdown cars, and emergency service vehicles. In addition the functions were shown in virtual reality and vehicles for the development of such connected, cooperative functions from ANDATA and ASTech accompanied the presentations and discussions with the attendant experts.
After the reduction of crash consequences (by structural vehicle measures, airbags, etc.) and the collision avoidance and mitigation (by autonomous emergency braking and collision warning, etc.) now the next level in automotive safety on the way to Vision Zero is launched. Namely Car2X-communication will be used for the active avoidance of dangerous situations.
The implementation of Car2X-communication delivers an essential technology component for future's cooperative, connected, (semi-)automated driving, which is promoted amongst others in the Austrian lead project Connecting Austria. This aims to put into effect common improvements in traffic and vehicle efficiency as well as in safety.
The contribution of ANDATA in the field is the integral development and safeguarding of the various functions and disciplines by the according control algorithms for (semi-)automated driving, reaching from sensor fusion and classification, localization, situation interpretation over manoeuvre planning to the predictive control of certain actions.