Software Blog

Software Release Notes 5.3

by Toni Palau

The ANDATA Fall Release 5.3 collects the latest developments in performance and stability for all our tools. Various bugs have been fixed and some feature requests from our customers have been implemented. Refer to How to install the ANDATA Software in our Frequently Asked Questions for further details on how to download this release quickly and easily.

The need to crop and single out special events from potentially long time series has arisen in many of our engineering applications in the last years. The new Stipulator function for case splitting meets this need. It is now possible to identify a specific event type in the data with the help of signal processing and generate new cases that contain only the relevant time segments in which such an event occurs. This, in turn, enables further analysis in Stipulator tailored to this event type.

We have continued the migration of user interfaces started in the previous release. Following MathWorks® efforts to reduce reliance on third-party technologies, the Java Swing-based user interfaces in our tools are being gradually ported. The UniversalList and SelectLists are the result of migrating our Java-based MultiPurposeList to current web-based MATLAB® technology. This user interface component is used extensively in our tools. The migration guarantees better compatibility with future MATLAB releases and opens the door to execution on alternative platforms.

In the following the most significant changes introduced with our release 5.3 are listed:

  • Stipulator
    • A new menu File > Export > Split cases (to Stipulator)... allows to create new cases that result from splitting existing cases into smaller time ranges. The new cases can optionally be created in a new Stipulator project. Please check section STP Data Export of the Stipulator User Guide for further details.
    • A new option in dialog "Edit case", accessible from Cases > Edit > Modify..., allows to add the current channel names as search strings for the generic reference channels both at the end or at the beginning of the existing list of search patterns.
    • New menu entries Cases > Reorder... > By name... and Cases > Reorder > By raw attribute...  have been added to allow permanent reordering of cases based on their names or a specific raw attribute.
    • Action names, like any other attribute in Stipulator, can now contain special characters. A bug prevented this flexibility in previous versions, where action names had to conform to MATLAB requirements for identifier names. Calls to the sscreateaction signal function must be modified (see section General below).
    • Fixed a bug that caused loss of an optional reading expression after relocating a source file and using "Find file" in dialog Cases > Edit > Modify....
    • Fixed an issue where files created by File > Export > Signals could have invalid names.
    • Examples and descriptions in dialog "Edit case selector expression" available from Cases > Select > By raw attributes... have been enhanced for a better usability.
    • (SI-344) Functions "Copy sensors (index / scale)" and "Paste sensors (index / scale)" are not supported any more. These legacy operations were  available through the context menu in the main Stipulator window and could easily lead to wrong results and an inconsistent tool state, if the list of reference channels had been temporarily modified. A more robust way to deal with such situations is to use and maintain multiple reference channel lists. The save/load function for the reference channel list itself, which can be accessed via File > Reference channels > Save... and File > Reference channels > Load... facilitates this task.
    • Helper dialog "Edit category", accessible through File > Reference attributes > Edit... and pressing button Edit... on a categorical attribute, uses the uifigure-based UniversalList UI component.
    • Exceptions caught when plotting with Analysis > Plot signals > By channel, Analysis > Plot signals > By channel synchronized, Analysis > Plot signals > Based on multiple processings or Analysis > Plot signals > 2D trajectories are written to the log file AndataTools.log, which is located by default in the user path (see MATLAB command userpath).
    • Improved the error description returned for missing or unreadable source files.
    • If a parallel pool is active, Signals > Reread takes advantage of it and runs the process in parallel.
  • Brainer
    • The default perturbation setting for Postprocessing > Robustness properties in Brainer has been set to "No perturbation".
  • Expectator
    • Prevent duplicated group names for both expectation and data groups in Expectator. If a group with the same name already exists, a merge is suggested. Otherwise, the group is given a unique name with the help of a corresponding numeric suffix.
  • General
    • A new uifigure-based dialog UniversalList has been developed as a generic App Designer component. This component can be used to replace, where desired, many current dialogs that are based in the Java-based MultiPurposeList like, for example, the editlist helper dialog.
    • The new UniversalList helper dialog supports case sensitive or insensitive filtering of entries in a configurable filter box on top of the list.
    • A new uifigure-based dialog SelectLists has been developed as an App Designer component. This component can be used to replace, where desired, the current select helper dialog, which shows a double list where the selection can be incrementally set by means of the ">" and "<" buttons.
    • Calls to signal function sscreateaction need to be modified to use helper function dataMap instead of a struct as an input argument. Please contact if you need assistance with this change.
    • The Geometric Operations Toolbox supports caching data to avoid potentially expensive redundant reading operations.
    • Fixed an issue in function ssfft that prevented a correct display of the legend in MATLAB versions newer than R2022a.
    • Utility function ssdatetimefromstring sets the data to NaT (MATLAB's Not-a-Time) when the string cannot be correctly parsed.
    • Fixed an issue where the uicomponents in a Configurator-based dialog did not resize when window size changed.
    • Fixed a bug where the default value for an array element in Configurator did not respect the specified array minimum and maximum values.
    • (SI-347) Utility function sswrite2isomme and method writeMmeFile in class IsoMmeManager deal with file names containing dots (".") in a more robust way, so that the desired file extension is not misunderstood.

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