Software Blog
Software Release Notes 5.4
by Toni Palau
The ANDATA Spring Release 5.4 encompasses the outcomes of our recent software development endeavors alongside the latest enhancements in reliability, performance and stability. The performance improvements included in this version are particularly noteworthy. They offer an even more efficient and responsive user experience, making day-to-day work with our software easier.
Please consult How to Install ANDATA Software in our Frequently Asked Questions for detailed instructions on swiftly and effortlessly downloading this software release.
The following list outlines the most significant changes introduced with our release 5.4:
When plotting attributes in a CDF, a PDF or a boxplot (menu Analysis > Plot attributes > CDF/PDF/Boxplot) it is possible to use existing attribute selectors to group the attribute values. This feature complements the already existing grouping options (select groups and select category) for this visualization.
Fixed an issue where user defined column widths were ignored or even modified when filtering the view with the help of column sets (View > Hide/show columns…).
(SI-352) Improved the responsiveness of interactive case selection in Stipulator main window. The issue was particularly noticeable with a large number of cases and was exacerbated when the number of columns exceeded several hundreds.
Fixed an error that happened in Analysis > Plot signals > Based on multiple processings when By case was chosen as subplot option.
Addressed a problem that happened on Cases > Set > Replace Text in Name when the text pattern to be replaced was not found in all selected cases.
stipulator('selectbyrandom') is available now to be used from the command line (corresponding to the menu option Cases > Select > By random…). Additional consistency checks for its input arguments have been implemented.
A thorough refactoring of the uifigure-based Configurator addressed several issues from previous versions and significantly improved the startup time for all Configurator dialogs using uifigure.
Filter function sstype does now support non-equidistant time series.
Fixed an issue where the configured number of recently open files to be remembered (10) was not respected and only four entries were being displayed when this number was surpassed.
Fixed an issue with uifigure-based dialog SelectLists that prevented to correctly handle duplicated items.
Filter function ssduplicate can now be configured to assign names to the duplicated channels. Check ssduplicate documentation in Processings > Edit… or type help ssduplicate in the MATLAB command window for details.
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