Automated Driving

The introduction of automated driving is one of major grand technological challenges at present. Due to the complexity of the task, traditional, reductionistic engineering approaches are not sufficient anymore for a safe and economically meaningful product development. Rather a simulation driven virtual product development backed by Artificial Intelligence and according process models are needed. Such is mandatory to assure safety, efficiency and effectiveness with respect to traffic benefits for automated driving.


The specialty of ANDATA in the field of automated driving is the combined application of following technologies in the context of the specific, integral development process:

Services and Solutions

The contributions of ANDATA for automated driving are amongst others:

Features and Advantages

  • Quick identification of functional requirements conflicts
  • Best possible functionality
  • Quick identification of components and modules with the best/worst effects to the system and quantification of performance and effectivity of system components
  • Conform requirements management
  • Quick learning and adaption to new requirements and product variants
  • Reduced complexity due to according functional architectures


Automotive Safety

Project Trilogy for Connected, Cooperative, Automated Driving

Validation of connected, coopartive, automated driving and concept description of according test fields

Connected, cooperative, automated driving for the improvement of traffic and vehicle efficiency

Connected, cooperative, automated driving for the improvement of traffic and vehicle safety


The project triology is supported and partially funded by

Presentations at Mathworks

MATLAB Expo 2017 München Mathworks Automotive Conference 2019 Stuttgart


Information about ANDATA's patents in the field of automated driving can be requested from