Posidonia 2022

Once again the Posidonia 2022 takes place in Athen from June 6th to 10th as one of the most important exibitions in the shipping domain. If you want to get in touch with fully automated and autonomous ship docking/mooring, come to the stand 3.114 of the Austrian chamber of commerce.
Or visit our new website to get a very first intro.
ITS European Congress in Toulouse 2022

Join us at the 14th ITS European Congress in Toulouse from 30 May to 1 June 2022.
We are at the panels of the special interest sessions
- SIS29 Tuesday 11:45 Room 6: "Sustainable digitalization for all and now: cross-border digital twins in Europe"
- SIS61 Wednesday 11:45 Room 2: "Smart road information models for all envirnonments"
Discussions and contributions will be about "ISAD - Infrastructure Support for Automated Driving", "distributed ODD awareness", "Digital Twins of the road infrastructure", CCAM, connected mobilty, etc.
Our focus is put on accelerating and improving traffic safety and automotive safety on the way to Vision Zero by connected vehicles, utilizing original realtime information from infrastructure by Digital Twins. Application examples will be ISA, Collective Perception, etc.
The intermediate results of the project DIGEST will be presented by our project partners from Logistikum on Monday within "TP15: AI, Simulation and Digital Twins".
#ANDATA, #VERONET, #projectcope, #ccam, #collisionsavoidance, #adas, #trafficautomation, #odd, #isad, #digitaltwin
Conference Announcements for May 2022
In May 2022, live events and conferences will finally start again, at which ANDATA will be present directly on site.
The first event will be the 35th VDI Conference for Driver Assistance Systems and Automated Driving on May 17th in Aachen. There, ANDATA will present the project COPE - Collective Perception and its solutions for the cooperative avoidance of collisions and dangers with vulnerable road users utilizing C-ITS communication.
It continues on May 19th at the SafetyWeek 2022 in Würzburg with a talk about the "Criticality assessment of driving situations for ADAS Level 2". ANDATA will report in depth on various possibilities of how exactly collision and danger avoidance mathematically works and can be evaluated.
Finally ANDATA is invited to represent the approaches of the projects COPE and DIGEST with digital twins and the cooperative sharing of information in several Special Interest Sessions at the ITS Europe Congress 2022 in Toulouse, beginning at May 30th.
ISO 9001 : 2015 Certification for ANDATA

With the issuance of the ISO 9001 : 2015 certification this week, TÜV Süd is now officially confirming that at ANDATA the constant pursuit of continuous improvement and continous development is paramount and that the pursuit of quality is fundamentally integrated in the organization.
In addition to the ISO 9001 certification, a successful TISAX assessment was carried out in parallel, which also confirms the data and information security at ANDATA.
The dedicated reference numbers can be found in the imprint.
ANDATA at the NAFEMS World Congress 2021 about the usage of AI in simulation data managment utilizing CoMModO

With CoMModO, ANDATA has been active for several years in the combined application of finite element simulations and data-based modelling (e.g. with artificial neural networks).
In a presentation at the NAFEMS World Congress 2021, ANDATA once again presented the entire spectrum of applications from material parameter estimation in pre-processing, neural material and surrogate modelling to AI-based quality management of simulations to automated post-processing and data mining in simulation data management.
Particularly noteworthy is the revolutionary approach of the new CoMModO-PostProcessing, which will allow a new, innovative approach in the automated recognition and analysis of structural relationships and cause/effect analyses for the future. It is already in use respectively in implemention by selected premium customers.
ANDATA thus once again proves its pioneering role in the field of processes, methods and tools in virtual product development. For example, the CoMModO-Postprocessing provides an essential, novel method module for the development of crash severity prediction functions in integral safety and for collision avoidance in manoeuvring for automated driving functions.
Further details can be requested from