Software Blog

Apps for a easier usage of the extensive functionality of ANDATA tools

by Daniel Lämmerhofer

ANDATA provides a range of expert tools which can be used e.g. for data preparation, machine learning or other types of signal analysis and processings. The functional range of the tools is in continuous development in order to be able to solve more and more tasks with the same tools.

To ensure that users are not overwhelmed with the full functional scope of the tools, ANDATA introduced a new app concept, which enables the possibility of create self-contained, user friendly apps with features and functionality specially trimmed to their specific needs. The powerful ANDATA tools are still used as a "Backend" whereas simple, intuitive and user-specific app GUIs are employed as "Frontend" to perform certain working steps.

Furthermore the individual apps can be helpful to represent and specify particular workflows. For single users specific workflows and dependencies of separate apps can be configured with the help of the available app manager.

The illustration shows the app manager with some activated apps. The activation pattern depends on the defined workflow(s). If an app is open, executed and successfully finished, the manager enables or disables other apps depending on the defined workflow. Additionally, various workflow-independent apps can be configured and integrated into the manager: the example shows a project overview app, another example of such simple app would be one just for opening Stipulator.

Example scenario

As an example, one app could provide a simple and intuitive GUI for importing data, and subsequently another app would be responsible for data visualization. In the background the processed data would be managed and stored by the ANDATA tools. After finishing the visualization, for example, another app could be enabled for training the data with several machine learning methods.

By means of this app concept users are not overwhelmed with the countless menus and possibilities of our expert tools. If users only needs a few menu items and features for their work, the apps allow them focusing on just the functions they need. Furthermore it is possible to easily adapt the needed functionalities and menu items to the customer requirements. In addition, the app manager allows the integration of different apps in individual workflows. As a further advantage, the manager provides a practical logging mechanism to document user operations in the currently used app. Every app is designed as a standalone piece of software that can be executed independently from other apps.

Summary and advantages

  • Fast development of individual and user-defined apps
  • Aggregation of comprehensive and complex workflows with single, simple subtasks
  • ANDATA core tools are mostly used as apps' engine
  • Several different workflows and processes can be configured
  • A logging mechanism documented the operations of the users (comments can be entered)
  • Apps are independently executable and also callable via command line (precondition are the installed ANDATA tools)

... so welcome to the world of ANDATA Apps → get your app right away!

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