Software Blog

Release Notes Development Version 3.305

by Andreas Kuhn

From now on the develeoment release version 3.305 of ANDATA's development tools is available for download. This version contains some essential new features, which partially still have beta status but are provided as outlook for the upcoming main changes. The most important changes are

  • the continuation of refactorings in all the dialogs and user interfaces for a steady usability improvement,
  • new features in Stipulator and
  • a first draft of the completely new app manager.

The main changes of the various programms are listed in the following.


  • Beside the existing attributes of type Actions, Numbers and Categories also new attributes types Text and Links are available for single requirements.
    • With the help of the new Text attribute free text for any kind of string data can be stored for single requirements.
    • Links store paths to files, which provide additional characterization for each single reuqirements. That way for example pictures or videos of test results or animations from simulation results can be linked to a single requirement.
  • The main dialog for editing single requirements (the "STIPULATOR edit requirement" dialog) has been completely redesigned, now fullfilling the new demands for the new text and link attributes. The new dialog has been implemented the help of dynamic accordeons and control elements. Some functions of the old dialog have been skipped, to assure a clear workflow for improved consistency of the intrinsic data.
  • The implementation of Actions has slightly been changed to guarantee a correct and consistent data format. This means that Actions have to be monotonically increasing (float) numbers. NaNs are not supported anymore as action time values.
  • Table View and Table View Simple have been improved, especially for compliance with MATLAB versions 2013a and above.
  • The function Import > Excel has been extended with the capability of importing Text and Link fields. In addition some more interactivity has been added to the import wizzard.


  • Refactoring of some dialogs for improved usability.
  • Refactoring of some internal functions for improved stability.
  • Some minor bug fixes.



Further an overall first draft version of the "App Manager" has been integrated. This provides the fundaments for the implementation of user and role specific apps, which are simpler programms for reduced and specific, customized tasks. This concept aims to allow specific users a simplified access to the functions of the overall toolset in the way that these only need to know their relevant features and functionality and do not get overburdened by the complete feature set of all possible functionalities. A more detailed describtion of the new "App Concept" will follow in upcoming blogs.

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