ANDATA - The Way to a Safe Solution

ANDATA is an independent technology venture, which is specialized in the development and application of methods from the fields of Data Mining, SoftComputing and Artificial Intelligence in combination with an extensive use of numerical simulation in technical development.

Because of the general increase in complexity and the number of functional requirements -no matter in which field of application- product development exclusively by means of classical analytical methods and procedures is no longer sufficient nowadays.
Often the given complexity can only be tackled through the intensive use of advanced mathematical techniques with the massive adoption of numerical simulation.

ANDATA provides support for the choice, development and application of the adequate mathematical techniques and procedures for

  • the product development and safeguarding of complex systems,
  • the analysis of big data sets from arbitrary sources and extraction of knowledge from the data ("Big Data Analytics"),
  • decision support or automated decision making systems, which are based on mathematical models and algorithms ("Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Control"),
  • the identification of the right sensors and the right data for safe and valid decisions.