ISO 9001:2015 and TISAX Certification of ANDATA

In September 2024 ANDATA again got assessed in accordance with ISO9001:2015 and TISAX by TÜV Süd. Both audits ended with a positive result and the confirmation that ANDATA is a quality-oriented and safe company.
The quality statement with the original certificate of the certificate registration no. Q1531423 can be found under Quality.
The TISAX results can be found in the ENX portal under the following data:
- Participant ID: PPFCM5
- Scope ID: SK57XL
- Assessment ID: A57XRH-2
The achieved labels are: Avail High; Avail Very High; Confidential; Data; Info High; Info Very High; Strictly Confidential;
As usual, the current certificate numbers can be found in our Imprint.