ODD Paper in light version

👉 A German lightweight version of our ODD paper is now available from Springer Nature under https://rdcu.be/dYDD4.
🤔 For those who want to know more, there is still the hard-core version available under https://www.techrxiv.org/users/688033/articles/706569-system-and-odd-descriptions-and-their-consequences-for-vehicle-safety-and-automated-mobility.
☝ If you don't just want to read and tediously deduce the hard consequences yourself, you can learn more about the application and conclusions in the seminar at carhs training gmbh under https://www.carhs.de/en/seminar/code/186.html or even more precisely in https://www.carhs.de/en/seminar/code/187.html.
🤝 A way to trustworthy AI in cooperative, connected, automated driving (CCAD)!